Communiqués de presse

8 juin 2021's General Shareholders' Meeting approves the dis

tribution of a 25 per cent increase in dividends

Madrid, 7 June. The General Shareholders' Meeting of (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) unanimously approved today to distribute 25 per cent more dividends than last year.

100 per cent of shareholders present at the meeting voted in favour of the Board of Directors' proposal to distribute a dividend of 0.0125 euros per share, which shall be paid on 17 June.

Accordingly, the company will pay out more than 245,000 euros gross to its shareholders, with which it wishes to thank them for their support in what has been the best year in its history.

Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company, stated that "for management team, giving dividends to all the shareholders who have supported us in good times and bad is not only a recognition but also a bet for the future".

This is the second time distributes dividends, after having done it for the first time in its history last year. In addition, the General Meeting unanimously approved the management of Sisco Sapena and his management team at the head of the company during 2020.

The meeting, which was held telematically for reasons of health and safety prudence, also approved the implementation of a new treasury stock plan and ratified with 99.05% of the votes the appointment of Jorge Sainz de Vicuña Barroso as an independent external director.

A total of 50.32% of shareholders were represented at the meeting. In 2020, the company increased its sales by 20 per cent to 16.42 million euros.

The company's Ebitda for the year was also 2.57 million euros or 17 per cent over the same period of the previous year. In 2020, the Spanish company consolidated its position as one of the leading players in the e-signature, e-notification and e-procurement market in Europe. With more than 200 patents awarded in some 60 countries, the company has one of the largest intellectual property portfolios in the industry.

Over the past year, the company's assets grew by 24 per cent year-on-year to 13.2 million euros, while financial debt decreased by 539,000 euros, or 15 per cent year-on-year.

This trend was consolidated in the first quarter of 2021, in which earned 475% more than in the same period last year.

The General Shareholders' Meeting of (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) unanimously approved today to distribute 25 per cent more dividends than last year.

100 per cent of shareholders present at the meeting voted in favour of the Board of Directors' proposal to distribute a dividend of 0.0125 euros per share, which shall be paid on 17 June.

Accordingly, the company will pay out more than 245,000 euros gross to its shareholders, with which it wishes to thank them for their support in what has been the best year in its history.

Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company, stated that "for management team, giving dividends to all the shareholders who have supported us in good times and bad is not only a recognition but also a bet for the future".

This is the second time distributes dividends, after having done it for the first time in its history last year. In addition, the General Meeting unanimously approved the management of Sisco Sapena and his management team at the head of the company during 2020.

The meeting, which was held telematically for reasons of health and safety prudence, also approved the implementation of a new treasury stock plan and ratified with 99.05% of the votes the appointment of Jorge Sainz de Vicuña Barroso as an independent external director.

A total of 50.32% of shareholders were represented at the meeting. In 2020, the company increased its sales by 20 per cent to 16.42 million euros.

The company's Ebitda for the year was also 2.57 million euros or 17 per cent over the same period of the previous year. In 2020, the Spanish company consolidated its position as one of the leading players in the e-signature, e-notification and e-procurement market in Europe. With more than 200 patents awarded in some 60 countries, the company has one of the largest intellectual property portfolios in the industry.

Over the past year, the company's assets grew by 24 per cent year-on-year to 13.2 million euros, while financial debt decreased by 539,000 euros, or 15 per cent year-on-year.

This trend was consolidated in the first quarter of 2021, in which earned 475% more than in the same period last year.