Notes de premsa

4 setembre 2019

French shareholders to invest in to benefit of t

ax breaks

Madrid, 4 Sep.- shareholders based in France will benefit from significant tax relief starting today if they invest in the dual listed company, on Euronext Paris and the Alternative Stock Market (MAB) in Madrid

In a Relevant Event sent to both the Madrid Stock Exchange and Euronext, the Spanish technology services company has confirmed its eligibility for the Share Savings Plans (PEA, PEA-PME and PEA Jeunes, for its acronym in French), a  plan of the French State to encourage investment in small and medium-sized listed companies.

On October 14 and 15, the company's CEO, Sisco Sapena, and the Financial Director, Arrate Usandizaga, will present their eligibility to this plan in Paris to a large group of French investors.

The tax relief has a limit of 150,000 euros in the framework of the Stock Savings Plan (PEA), 75,000 euros in the PEA-PME (aimed at small and medium-sized businesses) and up to 20,000 euros in the so-called PEA Jeunes, an action savings plan focused on young investors aged 18 to 25.

The French country's tax system allows Frenchmen  significant tax savings if they invest in shares of listed companies announcing their eligibility for these plans and maintaining their investment during a five-year period. 

In a statement to the market, the company's CEO, Sisco Sapena, confirmed that: “being dual listed on MAB and the Euronext Growth allows to announce its eligibility by meeting the criteria and conditions required and which will in turn should increase the diversity and shareholder stability of”.

400 eligible companies in Europe

Currently, the shares of over 400 companies listed on Euronext, with an approximate market capitalization of 78,000 million euros, and 64 funds are eligible for investors to deduct.

PEA tax benefits, a program launched in 1992, are not bound to French companies, but to European companies that publicly quote and confirm their eligibility. 

Within the PEA framework and other plans too, the return on capital and dividends of these companies remain tax-free.

For early divestitures, the French tax authorities offer a plan that taxes the returns by 22.5% if the shares are sold before a period of two years, and by 19% if between two and five years. 

“We love leading the way to attract the interest of investors. Being eligible within the plans offered by the French State will allow us to reach more investors and greater liquidity, ” said Sapena. more than 100 patents in a 9,000 million market

The technology company, specializing in electronic notification and certification methods, is quoted on the Euronext Growth stock market in Paris since December 2018, has over 100 patents granted worldwide. These include countries such as the US, the EU, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa and the Gulf Cooperation Council. 

In recent years, it has developed a strategy of growth and investment in R & D & I aimed at becoming a leading player in the global e-signature market (digital signature), going up to 9,000 million euros over the next three years.

During 2018, the company had a turnover of 12.36 million euros, which represents a 25% more than the previous year. The company's gross margin reached six million euros during the past year, 15% more than in 2017. The Operating Result of increased by 97% during fiscal year 2018, reached to 529,000 euros.