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16 maig 2022

Nigeria Postal Service will use's technology to

distribute registered electronic communications in the country

Madrid, 16 May  - The Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST), Nigeria's postal services company, has contracted (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) to send all its registered electronic communications using the Spanish company's technology.

Nigeria, a member of the African Union, has more than 211 million citizens and a growing number of cell phones. It is the continent's largest country. The agreement, which takes effect immediately, is part of the company's growing expansion plan in Africa.

According to company figures, it is estimated that revenue from this new customer could reach average annual revenues of up to four million euros over the next three years.

"Nigeria is the most important market in the region, where the company has already been working for many years. In a country with a growing economy,'s proprietary services can represent a significant vehicle to accelerate the continent's digital transition," explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company., which is listed in New York, Paris and Madrid, is Europe's leading company in the registered electronic signature, notification, and contracting and one of the most active in Africa.

The company already has a patent in Nigeria. Granted by the Intellectual Property Office of Nigeria, it corresponds to the company's method for the registered e-mail containing an electronic signature recognised by a telecommunications operator and is valid for 20 years.

It was granted at the beginning of 2020. For years, it has been managing digital postal communications in the United Arab Emirates and Colombia.

The postal services of these states have already begun to distribute registered digital communications that can be used as valid evidence in courts of law and public administrations.

The technology of the listed Spanish company has received 209 patents from almost 65 countries on five continents, and its intellectual property catalogue is one of the most important in the industry worldwide.