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22 maig 2024 sales rise by 7% in the opening quarter of 2024,

reaching €6.3M

Madrid, 22 May. - The sales of listed tech company (OTCQX:LLEIF) (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) have risen by seven percent in the first four months of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

During this period, the company generated €6.3 million in revenue from its certified notification, contracting, and e-signature services, as well as SMS solutions, up from €5.88 million in the first months of 2023.'s accumulated EBITDA saw a significant increase of 170%, reaching €888,000 compared to €329,000 in the previous year.

Moreover, the company’s accumulated operating profit turned positive, with a gain of €564,000, and the accumulated pre-tax profit also showed a substantial improvement of 129%.

Almost all of the company’s business lines experienced growth in sales.

SMS Wholesale led the way with a 21% increase, generating €2.43 million in revenue, which is €429,000 more than the same period in 2023.

The Notification service saw a 20% rise, totalling €700,000 in sales.

The Contracting line recorded a 10% increase, reaching €1.10 million in sales.

Commercial SMS remained steady, with revenues of €1.05 million.

The only exception was Other SaaS, which declined by 18% compared to the same months of the previous year and totalled €1.02 million.

This growth corresponds with the increase in customers the company recorded in the first quarter of 2024, now totalling 1,925, a record figure representing a 7.30% increase compared to the same period last year.

Since the start of the year, has also seen its share price rise. In January 2024, the share price was €0.80, and it currently exceeds €1.20.

"These results show that is returning to the figures of our best years. We remain market leaders in our industry, increasing sales and delivering value to our customers and shareholders," said Sisco Sapena, CEO and majority shareholder of the company.

In December of the previous year, the Spanish tech firm launched a comprehensive Restructuring Plan in response to a 10% decline in sales during the first three quarters of 2023.

The goal of these measures is to ensure a swift return to profitability and reduce net financial debt, aiming to generate positive cash flow from early 2024.

Founded in 1995, the company was first listed on BME Growth in Madrid in 2015. holds a total of 310 patents in over 60 countries for its innovations in certified e-signature, notification, and contracting.

Its growth strategy focuses on a strong intellectual property and R&D policy, as well as reinforcing its international expansion efforts.

The company started trading on Euronext Growth Paris in 2018 and on OTC Markets in New York in 2020. Its shares are also traded on the Frankfurt and Stuttgart stock exchanges.