Communiqués de presse

20 janvier 2020 to improve EBIDTA by 32 percent in 2019 and to r

ecord the best results since listed

Main milestones:

·         EBITDA grows by 32 percent to 2.22 million euros.

·         Operating result doubles the result compared to the previous year 2018.

·         Sales led by the Interconnection Wholesale business line improved 13% in a year-on-year term.

·         Annual result in taxes exceeds half a million euros.

·         Net financial debt is reduced by 42%

Madrid, 20 January.- The technology services company (BME: LLN; EURONEXT: ALLN) recorded during 2019 a 32% increase in its EBIDTA to 2.2 million euros.

These are the best results since it was listed on MAB in mid-2015.

After an increase in EBITDA of 117 percent (747,000 euros) in 4Q 2019, the company, which turns 25 at the end of January, already accumulates 15 quarters with positive EBITDA.

With a result before taxes of 1,076 million euros and a significant reduction in the Net Financial Debt of 42 percent over the past year, “we have done our duty to generate benefits to our shareholders, to whom we thank every day for the confidence they pace in us, ” said Sisco Sapena, founder and CEO of the company.

Significant sales increase

Throughout  2019, the company's sales registered an increase of 10%, up to 13.6 million euros, compared to the 12.3 million sold the previous year.

Of the three business lines of, that of Software as a Service (SaaS), recorded  a turnover of around 3.7 million euros, 546,000 over sales last year, that is up to 18 % more.

Interconnection Wholesale business line, which encompasses SMS sales to operators and aggregators, was the one with the best sales, it rose 67 percent in 4Q, and in the annual accumulated it amounts to is 7.45 million euros,  13 % more than in 2018. 

During this year, the company signed interconnection agreements with China Mobile and China Telecom operators, which together amount to over  one billion customers and obtained the licence of the Dominican Telecommunications Institute to be a fixed telephone and SMS operator in the  Caribbean country

“Our commitment to innovation and the development of technological solutions for such key sectors as the insurer, and the way they are being accepted in markets such as Latin America, the Middle East and Africa shows that is a leading edge company in the market ”, explained Sapena.

Comparatively, sales in the last quarter of 2019 reached 4.2 million euros, 38% more than in the last quarter of 2018.

Last quarter of the year achieved several milestones, such as the beginning of operations to provide service to Zurich Insurance Mobile Solutions in Germany and Financiera Confianza Trust in Peru.

The accumulated gross sales margin for 2019 reached 51 percent, three percentage points higher than 2018 figures.

The company recorded an increase in personnel expenses of 16 percent, derived from the strengthening of the international division and the establishment of the Intellectual Property department. 

LLEIDA.NET  DUAL LISTED IN MADRID AND IN PARIS, which is listed on the Alternative Stock Market (MAB) since 2015, has strengthened its position as the leading registered operator in the Spanish market.  Since December 2018, is dual listed on Euronext Growth,  Paris.

Last week, on 16 January the shares of peaked at an all-time high at 1.22 euros a share.

The company has more than 100 patents on electronic certification patent methods in different regions of the world, including the European Union, United States, Australia, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina New Zealand, Japan, China, Israel, Taiwan, South Africa o United Arab Emirates.

By the end of 2018, it became the first company to receive eIDAS approval for its Registered email system, which allows its electronic certificates to be admitted by default to any European court or administration.


Next Friday, 24 January will hold its first Investors ’Day, where development goals for the next year to Spanish and French institutional and minority investors will be outlined.

The event is expected to attend a hundred European investors, who might also join remotely.