Communiqués de presse

24 janvier 2020

The Chilean government grants the telecommunicat

ions operator license

Madrid 23 January The Chilean Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications has granted the Chilean subsidiary of the Spanish technology company the licence of a telecommunications' operator.
From now on, Lleidanet Chile SPA will  act as a telephone operator over Internet and SMS.
The licence granted to the company, which is dual listed on the Alternative Stock Market of Madrid, and Euronext Growth, for a 30-year period is already a telephone operator in Spain, France, the United Kingdom  in Colombia, the Dominican Republic and now in Chile.
"This licence will allow obtaining new interconnection agreements with Chilean operators that will increase the transit of our Interconnection branch and will allow us to strengthen our certification, contracting and notification services in the country," said Sisco Sapena, founder and CEO of the IT company.

Similarly, the licence will increase the turnover of the Software as a Service (SaaS) branch, and replicate the success obtained in Spain and other Latin American countries in banking, insurance, telecommunications, leasing and energy services.
Similarly, the licence will increase the turnover of the Software as a Service (SaaS) division, and  will replicate the success obtained in Spain and in some Latin American countries in banking, insurance, telecommunications, leasing and energy services.
Some of the company's clients are Wizink, Bankinter and the Colombian Postal Service., which presented its annual results on 23 January, recorded an increase in its EBITDA of 32 percent in 2019, up to 2.22 million euros, in its best results since it was listed on  MAB, in mid-2015

The company, which next week turns 25, accumulates 15 quarters with positive EBITDA.?Throughout  2019, the company's sales registered an increase of 10%, up to 13.6 million euros, compared to the 12.3 million sold the previous year.

During this year, the company signed interconnection agreements with China Mobile and China Telecom operators, which together amount tor over  one billion customers and obtained the licence of the Dominican Telecommunications Institute to be a fixed telephone and SMS operator in the  Caribbean country

Last week, on 16 January the shares of peaked at an all-time high at 1.22 euros a share.

The company has more than 100 patents on electronic certification patent methods in different regions of the world, including the European Union, United States, Australia, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina New Zealand, Japan, China, Israel, Taiwan, South Africa o United Arab Emirates.

Friday, 24 January will hold its first Investors ’Day, where development goals for the next year to Spanish and French institutional and minority investors will be outlined.