Communiqués de presse

21 mai 2020 signs with the Colombian Postal Services a contr

act to send three million additional Registered SMS and Emails

Madrid. 21 May .- The Spanish technology services company (BME: LLN, EPA: ALLLN) has signed a contract with the Colombian postal operator, whose commercial name is 4-72, which will allow it to send an additional three million Registered SMS and emails to its  users across the country.

These three million deliveries,  must be consumed before November 30, 2021, are added to the services that has been providing to 4-72 for  years.

The agreement has been signed in Bogotá through an additional business collaboration contract with Lleida SAS, the company subsidiary of the Spanish listed company in the Latin American country.

According to Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of, "This contract, additional to the existing one, proves the positive growth and swift adoption of the methods and services of certification, notification and electronic contracting provided and patented by worldwide, and especially now where some restrictions on movements are limited given the current circumstances. "

The company has a subsidiary in Colombia since 2014 and has more than 200 clients in the country. Likewise, it maintains operations in other States in the region, such as Peru, the Dominican Republic, Chile or Mexico.

In Colombia, the company has been granted with three patents on electronic notification and certification methods, and there are more than  130 patents granted to the company globally.

So far, the number of patents granted on electronic certification and notification methods exceeds 130 worldwide, including the 18 patents  received a few days ago from 11 countries of the European Union.

"The eSignature sector is going to grow significantly in the upcoming Low Touch Economy, in which we are going to be involved after the tragic situation the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that has the opportunity to strengthen its position at this time and to provide many people with access to its technology, ” said Sapena.

Over 70 countries recognize the legal validity of electronic methods to certify legal notifications in contracting processes.

In addition to the development of its intellectual property division and the firm commitment to innovation, internationalization is one of the growth cornerstones of the Spanish listed company, whose shares have increased by 154% so far this year in the Alternative Stock market. is a dual listed company in the Alternative Stock Market (MAB) and in the Euronext Growth in Paris.