Communiqués de presse

8 mars 2021

The United States grants the patent for its eIDA

S notification method

Madrid  8 March  - (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) has been granted its sixth patent in the United States, this time for its EIDAS registered and qualified electronic notification method.

The United States is the world's largest when it comes to the registered electronic signature and notification industry.

The patent on the method, which the company distributes under the trade name Openum eIDAS, is valid for 20 years.

EIDAS is the European regulation that sets the standards for identification and trust services for electronic transactions within the EU.

The patent will allow the company to market for two decades, exclusively in the US, a service that allows reliable electronic communication in Europe, which is approved in the Eurozone and is valid in all courts and administrations of the European Union.

The system, created by the company's founder and CEO, Sisco Sapena, makes it possible to reliably identify the sender, the recipient and the data sent in electronic communications.

At the end of 2018, became the first company in Spain and the sixth in Europe to receive the EIDAS approval for its system for sending registered emails., which has been listed in New York since November 2020, had already received five other patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The most recent, granted last October, relates to the company's method for registering e-mails containing an electronic signature recognized by a telecommunications' operator. And the Openum eIDAS trademark itself is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the American market until 2030.

To date, has accumulated 203 patents granted by the authorities of 64 countries worldwide. Among the states that have recognized the company's innovations are, in addition to the United States, the European Union and all its member states, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa, Colombia and Mexico.

Intellectual property is one of the three strategic pillars of the company, together with internationalization and the commitment to R&D.

The purpose of having these patents is to protect the company's market position in the registered electronic signature and notification industry, as well as the investment of the more than 3,000 shareholders that form part of the company's capital. was listed on the current BME Growth in 2015 and on Euronext Growth in 2018.