Communiqués de presse

24 mars 2021's Board of Directors to vote tomorrow to increa

se its dividend

Madrid 24 March.- The Board of Directors of (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) will vote tomorrow to increase the dividend it will distribute to its shareholders in 2021.

The company, a European leader in the registered electronic signature and notification industry, is listed in Madrid, Paris and New York, and has more than 3,000 investors. distributed last year the first dividends in its history, at a value of one euro cent net per share.

"Last year was the best year in's history in terms of both growth and share price. We believe that recognising with a higher dividend all those who have accompanied us in the company's progress is a fair way of acknowledging the contribution of all our shareholders", explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company.

The company's Board of Directors will discuss the launch of a new Treasury Stock Plan, or the acquisition of the company's own shares on the market.

Last year, the company's shares rose 940 percent on the European stock market, and its sales increased by more than 20 percent, as a result of the adoption of its services by a greater number of users.

Globally, has one of the largest intellectual property portfolios in the market.

The company has already received 203 patents for its inventions in notification, contracting and registered electronic signatures from administrations in more than 60 countries.

Currently, more than 75 countries recognise the legal validity of's electronic methods as a means of registering legal notifications in contracting processes.