Notas de prensa

16 enero 2020

Zurich Insurance engages registered contracting

services for Germany

Madrid, 7 January.- The insurance company Zurich Insurance has engaged (BME: LLN; EURONEXT: ALLN) to provide its registered notification and contracting services for the German market.

Thanks to this service, Zurich Insurance will have Registered email and SMS services, awarded with over  100 patents worldwide, for the marketing and contracting of  insurances.

Currently,, a dual  listed company on the Alternative Stock Market, in Madrid, and on Euronext Growth, Paris already offers these services to the Spanish subsidiary of Zurich.

The certification technology that will provide to Zurich has been created to meet the next digital revolution in the insurance circle which will allow policy makers to connect and disconnect their contracts based on their specific needs.

“The future of the insurance industry is going through digital contracting, and our company's R & D & i department is working at full speed to be able to serve the companies in the sector, in terms of reliability, speed and certification,” explained Sisco Sapena, founder and CEO of

This contract, will be renewed on an annual basis.

 "Continuing to support the insurance and financial sector is a decided commitment of for the next few years, and our intention is to continue innovating in the scope and quality of our technological services," Sapena stated.

One year ago today,, became the first Spanish company to obtain the type approval receive the type approval of qualified electronic registered delivery service of the EIDAS regulation. eIDAS is the European regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions within the Community framework.

From the moment of approval, all electronic documentary evidence issued by are admitted by default to any European court or administration.

The company, which in the last five years has strengthened the creation of new technologies in the framework of trusted digital services, has more than 100 patents in electronic certification methods the European Union, United States, Australia, Japan, China and the Middle East., which this year is celebrating its 25 years of anniversary, accumulates in 2020 an increase in the value of its quotation of 7% on the Madrid Stock Exchange, which is already at 1.09 euros, with a capitalization stock market of more than 17 million euros.