Notas de prensa

26 marzo 2020 to distribute first-ever dividends

Madrid, 26 March Board of Directors (BME: LLN, EURONEXT: ALLLN) has agreed early this morning to propose to its General Shareholders' Meeting to distribute their first-ever dividends.

The dividend will be one net euro cent per share and will be distributed on the date adopted during the next General Meeting.

“Our shareholders have stood by our side, through thick and thin, since we went public on MAB in 2015. With this dividend distribution, we want to send investors a message of confidence in these uncertain times ”, explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company.

Currently, 16 million shares are listed on the Spanish Alternative Stock Market and in the Growth segment of Euronext.

The total amount the company will distribute among its shareholders will be more than 160,000 euros. 

“We are confident in the evolution of the company and in our future results. The unprecedented behavioural changes in society as a result of the dramatic healthcare crisis we are facing have brought hundreds of new customers closer to our patented registered electronic communication solutions,” he added.  

In recent weeks, the company strengthened its Research and Development work to support new products to reinforce the validity of digital business communications 

Just to mention a few, a platform allowing company directors and company shareholders to vote remotely, registered and immediately at a General Meeting or at Board of Directors.

By the end 2018, it was the first Spanish company to obtain the eIDAS certification for registered electronic communications.

eIDAS is the regulation for electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European area. This approval recognizes that the documentary evidence issued by on behalf of its clients are admitted before any European court or administration. celebrated last January its 25th anniversary in the Madrid Stock Exchange.

"We have been working tirelessly since the crisis began, being the safety of our workers, customers and suppliers our top priority, and we will continue innovating and adapting ourselves as we have been done for a quarter of a century," said Sapena.

The company has been granted 108 certification and notification method patents worldwide, as well as of digital witness in electronic contracts and notifications.

Currently, over 70 countries recognize the legal validity of electronic methods to certify legal notifications in contracting processes.

Earlier this year, the company's shares reached historical peaks, after accumulating more than three years of results with positive EBITDA

At today’s closing, the company's market capitalization was more than 19 million euros, and the share was trading in Madrid at 1.20 euros per share, its highest level in two weeks.