Notas de prensa

27 enero 2021

Changes driven by COVID-19 skyrocketed the use of

t SaaS services in 2020 and increased its customers in all market segments

Madrid, 27 January - The telco company (BME: LLN) (EPA: ALLLN) (OTCQX: LLEIF) increased sales of its SaaS line in all market segments during 2020.
During 2020, the company increased its registered electronic signature, notification and contracting business line by 59 per cent, to 5.69 million euros.

With an increase in its sales of 20 per cent in the period, to 16.42 million, the changes in behavioural habits caused by the COVID-19 pandemic consolidated its technological commitment.

Sisco Sapena, CEO of, and the CFO, Arrate Usandizaga, are presenting today these results to investors by videoconferencing.

"The change in behavioural habits caused by the pandemic has led to become a company whose services have a generalized scope, and are already used by all segments of the economy," Sapena stated.

In the fourth quarter , SaaS line sales increased 107 per cent compared to the same period last year, to 1.97 million.


Because of lockdown during the year, all the workflows for contracting notification services and registered electronic contracting skyrocketed.
Registered SMS traffic rose 600% since October. 

Registered SMS Contract traffic (used mainly by utility companies) registered an advance of 195% compared to 2019, and Registered email experienced a 100% increase.

The traffic of its Click & Sign service observed an increase of 600% compared to 2019, moving forward strongly from analogue to digital contracting.

The company, whose pillars are innovation, internationalization and commitment to intellectual property, saw how its services have become population-based this year, growing in all industry segments and billing volumes.
Clients outside of Spain represented 57.05% of total billing.


The growth in sales was also due to the fact that its main international contracts, such as those signed with the postal services of South Africa and Colombia, have started to pay off.

Last year, the company closed global agreements with international actors such as Emirates Post, for the exclusive distribution of the company's suite of services in the United Arab Emirates, and also with Spanish companies such as Santander Merchant Services or Indra.

In 2020, it posted an EBITDA of 2.57 million euros, 17% above the previous year, when it was 2.19 million.

Its annual gross margin was 8,015 million euros, almost a million euros more than last year.

The company reduced its financial debt significantly. It already has an excess of cash with respect to the total debt that exceeds 2.1 million euros.


Internationally, it has been granted more than 200 patents for its methods of contracting, notification and certified electronic signature, by the authorities of more than 50 countries on five continents, including the United States, the European Union, China, Japan, India, or Colombia.

Currently, the company is awaiting the granting of 70 new patents, which give it a strong defensive position at the global level that is key to its future business development.


The company went public, on BME Growth (former MAB) in 2015. In 2018, it went public on Euronext Growth, in Paris. By the end of 2020, it was accepted for trading on the OTCQX Best Market segment in New York.

Last year, the values of the company rose in value by 940% , one of the main rises of the European stock market.

In 2020, its trading volume on BME Growth exceeded 178 million euros, more than the combined of all previous years.

Recently, it announced that it has more than 2,750 shareholders, which represents an increase of 19% compared to the last quarter.

Out of these investors, 4.4% are institutional investors and companies, both in Spain, France and the United States.