Notas de prensa

25 noviembre 2021

The Nigerian Postal Service to distribute's serv

ices and technology nationwide.

Madrid, 24 November .-The Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) has joined today the framework agreement signed last July between (BME:LLN) (EPA:ALLLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) and the Pan-African Postal Union (PAPU).

This agreement allows African postal companies to offer Digital Postal Services via the technology of the Spanish company.

From now on, NIPOST has the capacity to distribute certified digital communications that can be used as valid evidence before courts of law and public administrations. The signing of the contract was attended by representatives of the Nigerian government and eGate Egypt,'s partner on the continent.  

The country, where more than 206 million people live, has more than 190 million mobile lines, according to official data from the Nigeria Communications Commission. "Nigeria is the largest market in Africa, and its adhesion to our agreement with PAPU represents for us a new key market abroad to which we are going to pay a lot of attention", explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of, listed in New York, Paris and, Madrid, is the leading company in Europe in the field of signature, notification, and registered electronic contracting and one of the companies with more presence in Africa.

To date, postal operators in Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Madagascar, Malawi, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast have joined the PAPU agreement, with several more countries in negotiations. Postal services in these states have already started to distribute registered digital communications that can be used as valid evidence in courts of law and public administrations.

Before the signing, was already providing digital postal services in South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Colombia. has been working for years to consolidate its commercial presence in the African continent. Recently, and Smart Africa also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in the digitisation of all kinds of public processes through the use of the SaaS services of the Spanish company.

The technology of the listed Spanish company has received more than 200 patents from 63 countries on five continents, and its intellectual property portfolio is one of the most important in the industry worldwide. Last July 2020, Nigeria received a patent for its method of certifying emails containing a qualified electronic signature from a telecommunications operator.