Notas de prensa

13 septiembre 2022 awarded its sixth patent in South Africa

Madrid, 13 September - The South African authorities have granted (BME:LLN; EPA:ALLLN; OTCQX:LLEIF) a new patent. 

This is the 215th patent granted internationally, and it is for its email certification methods. The invention, signed by company founder Sisco Sapena, is numbered ZA202102607 and is valid for 20 years.


The grant was announced recently by the South African Patent Office (CIPC Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) and represents the sixth grant in the country. 


"South Africa is one of the strategic markets for the company's globalisation process, and we are thrilled to have been granted already not one, but six patents in the country", explained Sapena. started operating in the country ten years ago. 


It is one of the world's largest economies, and its enormous economic potential is enormous. It has over 57 million inhabitants, owners of 101 million mobile lines.


As the company stated in a communication to the market,'s growth strategy in the electronic signature, notification and contracting market in countries where the company is established and in those where it plans to be operating soon is based on a solid policy of growth in intellectual property and R+D.


This brings to 215 the number of patents granted to worldwide on certification, notification and online contracting methods since it went public seven years ago. 


The company, listed in Madrid, Paris and New York, holds one of the world's largest intellectual property portfolios for signature, notification and registered electronic contracting.  


Over 60 countries on five continents have granted IP awards to the company, including the European Union, the United States, China, Russia, India, Mexico, Japan, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, South Africa, Nigeria, Australia and New Zealand.