Notas de prensa

28 abril 2017 to improve its sales by 31 % till March with a p

ositive Ebidta for 3 quarters running

Gross operating income increased 59% compared to the same period of the previous year and stood at 54% of incomes. 

The tech company listed on MAB (LLN) closed the first three months of the year reached a positive EBITDA for the third quarter running, confirming the change in trend and moving onwards in its goal to close 2017 with profits.

Barcelona, 27 April, a leading company in the field of certification and electronic notification, reached sales of 2.1 million euros during the first quarter of this year, an increase of 31% compared to 1.62 million of the same period of 2016. Equally noteworthy is the improvement in the gross margin of the company which stood at 1.16 million, 59% higher than in the first three months of the previous year. Ebitda continues in positive territory,170,000 euros, which allows the Catalan company to confirm the change of trend in recent quarters and to reaffirm its goal to close this year with profits. Ebitda without any exceptional expenses or activations was 53,000 euros, which represents an increase of 234,000 euros compared to the first quarter of 2016.

Sisco Sapena, CEO of, pointed out "the good prospects for 2017. We are confident that we will continue to consolidate this positive evolution, which will contribute to boosting's business with the ten new patents obtained in the first quarter of the year and reinforcing the company's international expansion." "Especially important is the European patent for registered email, it is an acknowledgment that will enable us to be present in 38 key European countries in the development and expansion of technological solutions applied to the banking, insurance and fintech and insurtech segments" he adds.

By business lines, it should be noted that registered electronic communication sales have increased by 140% compared to the same period in 2016. Regarding data validation, there has been an increase of 22%, while the increase in invoicing in SMS services has been 17%, reaching 1.52 million euros. Although these services still account for 71% of the company's total sales, its shares on total sales has decreased compared to the first quarter of last year, in which they accounted for 80%. 

Gross margin improvement is due to this change in the sales mix, with an increasingly weight of sales of both registered products and data validation. Optimization of processes through R & D projects, have allowed a more efficient management of SMS traffic and also have increased profitability. 

Finally, it should also be noted that has increased its team by 19%, from 43 employees to 51, and that debt is decreasing at a good pace. By the end of the first quarter of this year it stood at 4.4 million euros entailing a reduction of 618,000 euros compared to the closing of 31 December 2016. 

For the first time ever, has published its consolidated accounts. These reflect a negative profit before taxes of € 24,000 for the first quarter, although excluding extraordinary expenses related to severance payments, earnings before taxes would have been positive. Reference should be made to the consolidated account, where the gross operating income grows to 58%, compared to 54% of the income of the parent.

Currently the company is listed on the Spanish Alternative Stock Market and is a leading company in the field of electronic notification and electronic contracting. The company created in 1995 has two more business lines, namely SMS solutions and data validation. The telecom operator has signed agreements with more than 1000 companies in more than 150 countries managed from their 16 international headquarters. Its solutions and services are used in enterprises, public administration, and SME's. 

Press contact: 
Mireia Corchón,, 93 418 53 87/ 615 287 642 
Alba Cano, [email protected], 93 418 53 87