Press releases

23 October 2020

Banco Santander's POS subsidiary contracts servi


Madrid, 23 October - Santander Spain Merchant Services, Banco de Santander's (BME:SAN) subsidiary focused on POS terminals management, has contracted registered and electronic contracting services (BME:LLLN; EPA:ALLLN).

Henceforth, the technology company will offer Santander España Merchant Services part of its service portfolio, which will ease electronic contracting for the entity's customers.

The agreement has been announced today by to the Madrid Stock Exchange and Euronext, where it is listed.

The health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the use of digital payment platforms. So far this year, online shopping has surpassed cash payment in Spain.

This change in user behaviour patterns has turned a good part of services into essential to help financial companies to grow in their operation.

"The agreement with Santander Spain Merchant Services is another sign that has become an essential provider in the low touch  industry", explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company. - one of the companies that has increased its value in the world stock market during 2020, with a growth that has exceeded 900% - has one of  largest the portfolios in the field of registered electronic communications in the world, with over  187 patents.

This very week,  the company announced the decision of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), to grant it a new patent for its method of registered electronic mail containing an electronic signature recognized by a telecommunications' operator.

Currently, more than 50 countries in the five continents have granted in the last years patents to the company, including the European Union, United States, China, Russia, India, Mexico, Japan, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, South Africa, Nigeria, Australia or New Zealand.

The company sold 7.8 million euros in the first half of 2020 (29% more than during the same period in 2019).

There is also an increase  in its Software as a Service (Saas) line, which includes its digital signature services, of up to 62 percent. The Software as a Service (SaaS) line has grown as a result of the change in user behaviour observed after the health emergency situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. is dual listed in BME Growth in Madrid, and in Euronext Growth in Paris.

At yesterday's market closure, its shares were traded in Madrid at 9.35 euros and in Paris at 9.40 euros.

The company has also received approval from its shareholders to go public in the next few weeks in the OTCQX segment of the OTC Markets in New York, in the US