Press releases

9 July 2021

Argentina grants its third patent.

Madrid, 9 July  - The National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina has granted a new patent for its method for creating certified electronic contracts by a user of a telecommunications operator.

It is the third time that the Buenos Aires authorities have granted the Spanish listed company a patent in intellectual property.

The INPI had previously granted patents for its method of certifying the sending of emails and registering and certifying the receipt of emails.

"Latin America remains a core expanding market for, and the new patent in Argentina will strengthen our position, and that of our investors, in the region and internationally", explained Sisco Sapena, CEO and founder of the company.'s growth strategy in the electronic signature, notification and contracting market is based on a solid growth policy in intellectual property, as well as a reinforcement of its internationalization policy now has 204 patents granted by authorities in 64 countries worldwide.

The States that have granted recognition to the company's innovations include, in addition to the United States, the European Union and all its member States, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa, Colombia and Mexico.

The patents are intended to protect the company's market position in the registered electronic signature and notification industry and the investment of the more than 3,000 shareholders who are part of the company's capital. was listed on the current BME Growth in 2015 and on Euronext Growth in 2018. By the end of 2020, it came for trading on the OTCQX Best Market index of New York.

The company made a recent announcement of its plan to purchase the electronic signature company Indenova, for an amount of more than seven million euros.