Press releases

15 December 2021

inDenova by, accredited by the European Union un

der the eIDAS framework
Madrid, 15 December  - inDenova by has been accredited by the European Union authorities this week under the eIDAS Regulation.

This means that, from now on, all its services of issuing qualified registered services for electronic signatures, time stamps and validation of electronic signatures will be automatically considered valid by any EU court.

inDenova by thus becomes a Qualified Trusted Service Provider and becomes part of the trusted lists (TSL) published in Spain by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and those of the European Union.

"We are very pleased that, just a few days after closing the purchase of inDenova, it is already giving us joy, such as the milestone of being recognised at this level within the framework of eIDAS," explained Sisco Sapena, CEO of the group.

"It is clear that investment in R&D works, and it is what will ensure our growth in the future," he added.

eIDAS (Electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) is the European regulation for electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions within the EU.

inDenova was acquired 100% on December 2 by (BME: LLN) (OTCQX:LLEIF) (EPA:ALLLN), following a due diligence process and the approval of the acquisition by more than 98% of the General Shareholders' Meeting of the listed company.

Precisely, was, in December 2018, the first Spanish company to receive the EIDAS homologation in the registered notification section. is the European leader in the registered electronic notification, signature and contracting industry and is listed in Spain, France and the United States.

Its technology has received more than 200 patents from 63 countries on the five continents, and its intellectual property catalogue is one of the most important in the industry worldwide.