Press releases

22 December 2021

French residents will be able to invest in under

preferential tax conditions as a way of saving thanks to the PEA plans.

Madrid, 22 December- Spanish listed company has communicated this morning to the market its eligibility for the PEA, PEA-PME and PEA Jeunes Stock Savings Plans, with which the French government encourages investment in small and medium-sized companies listed on Euronext.

This eligibility allows French residents to buy shares as a way to save, with attractive tax conditions.

These savings are limited to €150,000 in the PEA, €75,000 in the PEA-PME and €20,000 in the PEA Jeunes, a program specially created for young people.

Since December 2019, has been listed on Euronext Growth inParis, where it has been one of the most liquid companies on the market and where in 2020 it was the fastest growing company.
"Listing on Euronext Growth has allowed us to very significantly strengthen our liquidity levels, as well as the knowledge of European and U.S. investment funds, which have entered the company's capital through Paris," explained Sisco Sapena.

On Euronext, the company is part of the Euronext Tech Croissance index, which includes the main technology companies in the pan-European space, and of the Euronext Growth Allshare index. is the European leader in the field of notification, signature and registered electronic contracting and is also listed in Spain and the United States.

Its technology has been granted more than 200 patents in 63 countries on five continents and its intellectual property portfolio is one of the largest in the industry worldwide.

It has been recognized by the authorities of nations such as the United States, the European Union, China, Russia, India, Mexico, Japan, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, South Africa, Nigeria, Australia and New Zealand.

Currently, some 70 countries recognize the legal validity of the Spanish company's electronic methods for certifying legal notices in procurement processes.

Recently, it approved the purchase of the company inDenova for 7.1 million euros, in one of the most significant transactions in the Spanish SaaS market in 2021.