Press releases

16 January 2017 moves forward its profitability goals and reco

rds a positive EBIDTA of 0.5 million in 2016
  • The annual gross margin increased by 29% compared to 2015 thanks to the reat preponderance of registered electronic communications and data validation.
  • Registered electronic communications grew 88% in the last quarter of 2016

Barcelona, 16 January 2017.- the leading company electronic notification and certification  ended fiscal year 2016 with a positive EBITDA of 0.5 million euros. This positive evolution has allowed to achievea  profit before tax compared to 2015. On the fourth quarter the EBIDTA totalled 410 million euros accounting for an EBIDTA for the semester two of 769 thousand euros.

In the second half of the year, the company obtained a profit before taxes of 188,000 euros, which places in an optimal situation to consolidate throughout this year the positive trend in business growth and margins that has marked its activity during the third and fourth quarter of 2016.

For Sisco Sapena, CEO of, "the results show that we are working in the right direction and this has been reflected in the continuous evolution of the main figures in our profit and loss account. The second half has recorded a remarkable progess in the trend towards the first few months of the year, marked by a depressed market. In the last two quarters of 2016, we have seen an advance thanks to an outstanding  work in the commercial field, providing a large number of customers  to the  increase in the consumption of the existing ones as well as the effort made for keeping costs".

The annual gross margin increased by 29% compared to 2015. The change in the sales strategy with growing weight in certified communications and data validation has boosted the profitability of sales.For the fourth quarter, gross margin reached 56% of sales and represents 44% more than in the same period of 2015. recorded sales of 7.7 million euros in 2016. Specifically, the sales figure in the last quarter of the year grew 14% compared to the third quarter of 2016,up  to 2.3 million. Also, the turnover of the company from July to December was 26% higher than the last period of 2015.

By business lines, it is worth mentioning the boost of registered electronic communications sales increased by 88% compared with the previous quarter, and a 158% in comparison with the prior 2015 year quarter. The growth is driven by the implementation of the services in large corporations, like Banco Pichincha, Bankinter Consumer Finance and other corporations that have contributed to boost the contracting services.

SMS solutions amounted to 1.6 million euros in the last quarter of last year, 12% more than the figures for the fourth quarter of 2015.Data validation invoicing amounted to 805,000 euros in 2016, a significant increase of 58% compared to the same quarter of 2015. closed fiscal year 2016 with a decrease in debt to 5.1 million euros, compared to 5.4 million in the previous quarter.

During the latst year, accelerated its internationalization process with the opening of subsidiaries in Peru and Costa Rica and key alliances in markets such as Brazil.



Currently the company is listed on the Spanish Alternative Stock Market and is a leading company in the field of electronic notification and electronic contracting. The company created in 1995 has two more business lines, namely SMS solutions and data validation. The telecom operator has signed agreements with more than 1000 companies in more than 150 countries managed from their 16 international headquarters. Its solutions and services are used in enterprises, public administration, and SME's.


Press contact:

Mireia Corchón, [email protected], 93 418 53 87/ 615 287 642

Alba Cano, [email protected] 93 418 53 87